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MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

Full story of MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

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Finds the first zip in a folder matching wild cards mask using WScript.Shell ...

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SQL instr

Searching for a string inside a string in SQL. You may say it is the instr in ...

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Minify + Unminify tools online

Minify and unminify tools online, mainly js and css, free Unminify js, css, ...

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Returns array of values by an XML expression from XML file. Xmlfilepath is the ...

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Returns credit card type and whether it is valid or not. Found it in my old ...

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WordPress - Excel functions (AI)

3 functions to download posts, adds new post and to upload and set featured ...

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Zipping content of folder into file. Not tested and Not My Work. Originally ...

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SmartMenus for WordPress

Cascading menu, on all devices. From ...

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Special chars

How to type special characters in keyboard using ALT + keypad numbers I also ...

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Excel ribbon

Add ribbon menu to certain macro-based workbook to run macro, will only be ...

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Regular expressions (Notepad++)

How to do regular expressions in Notepad ++ search and/or replace Helpful when ...

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2 pdf books

Free from apress website More books

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Pps vs ppsx

PowerPoint slideshow file types and differences in file size. Bottom line, if ...

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Online Wordpress password hash generator

An online tool to generate password hash for wordpress, tried it just today ...

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Anticipate WP

Under Construction plugin for wp