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Pure JavaScript library for generating barcodes using HTML5 canvas.

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Returns path for a specific special folder in system Passing the name of that ...

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Steps Recorder Win10 app

Win10 application already found in Windows. to generate list of steps with ...

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Win10 ThisPC Virtual locations

I hate it when Windows forcing us to have additional items in "This PC" So, I ...

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Remove tags that are identical and nested inside each other in an HTML document, ...

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Return id for any html tag that was found above certain location of html page. ...

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Protect txt file into word doc with password

Saves txt file as word doc with password. Passing txtfile having full path and ...

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SQL Related posts

Steps to create related posts query in SQL. Index, catalog, matching posts for ...

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ASP Classic Page Cache

Set page to cache at certain time or force cache refresh. Something I found ...

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Window and screen sizes in jQuery

Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window using jQuery ...

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Shortcut website

Create a shortcut to website to open using Internet Explorer in 'InPrivate' ...

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Porting Excel/VBA into OpenOffice Calc

PDF document on what needed to import VBA from Excel into OpenOffice Calc Basic

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Arabic VS Hindi numbers

Settings to force Microsoft Word to show Hindi numbers with Arabic text, or ...

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Embed fonts in Word doc

Embed fonts used in document, to make it available on any machine

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OpenOffice Calc

OpenOffice programming with Visual Basic Some document I had for my reference.

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Detect when user changes a textbox using JQuery Needed to have this documented ...