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Returns content of cell by location ... RowID and ColumnID HTMLTable expected ...

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Returns column with ColumnID ... the full area between < td ...> and < /td> ...

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Returns full row from RowID ... the full area between < tr ...> and < /tr> from ...

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An attempt to read json into table. This one is a work in progress, tested and ...

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Cuts part from large string from certain character to certain character with ...

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Combine strings of two HTML tables into string of one table.

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Free online tools -

Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...

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Minify + Unminify tools online

Minify and unminify tools online, mainly js and css, free Unminify js, css, ...

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SQL Cross Apply String_Split with XML Path

SQL select statement to convert list of IDs found in column (from more than row ...

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Reads array of arrays from the parent and return back ANString of 3 columns

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Reads array into list of ANString, from [ until ] for the giving array name. ...

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Reads certain value for a certain setting from FullJSONString text block. See ...

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Search for a word in a certain column in html table and return the full row ...

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List All Pivot Tables and their Sources for a given workbook into sheet. ...

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Refresh Table from View

Convert SQL View into table for speed reading. Using views a lot, I needed a ...

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DB Functions (By AI)

3 functions to add or update data to DB and Read from DB. These were also ...