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Creates a random GUID number like ... 879AE395-E026-0A63-EFC1-152038C4400B ...

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Clean filename from special characters to make it safe for server upload Then ...

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Searches for an image and return the file extension of found, or returns null ...

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ANBS Controls Set3

3rd set of ANBS controls, Get Set1 here and

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ANBSThumbImg + ANBSThumbLink

Creates thumb of an image with or without link to original Use ANBSThumbLink ...

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Function to log the redirects that happen into website It is merely used with ...

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Reads or Saves text into file, giving its full path. Same as

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Shrinks a text into smaller text controlling where is the majority will be ...

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List of Databases

Script to list databases available in a server using ADODB connection From

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A classic ASP include file to read txt file of list into a page using bootstrap ...

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Copy formulas

How to copy formulas in VBA code. Learned that the hard way, just like most of ...

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ASPDF v1.0

Create PDF in ASP classic

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Bootstrap 3 DateTime picker

Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker v4.17.47 An old, yet good date/time picker From ...

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jQuery File Upload

File upload widget Handles images and other types, with php, go and python ...

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JS to switch direction between Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right Toggle the ...

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Bootstrap Media player controls

Controls for a media player using Bootstrap and FontAwesome