Search results 23
Sorted from new to old.

Random Number in SQL
Generate Random number inside SQL using timestamp (GetDate function) One of ...

Show or hide item (or items) in PivotTable for a certain field. Passing ...

Shows or hides an item or items in a PivotTable filter field. Passing ...

Protect txt file into word doc with password
Saves txt file as word doc with password. Passing txtfile having full path and ...

Excel crashes when File > Print
During generating Print Preview, Excel crashes. Applies to some files, not all, ...

Resize_Me2 + Resize_Me3
Resizes Excel window to certain small size and location (hard-coded) and hide ...

Toggle navbar with Slide Down Animation
TOggle Navbar to show, login form, another list of links, search bar, or ...

TeeOpen_ProtectTee + TeeOpen_UnprotectTee
Protect or unprotect a workbook (already open) remotely from another workbook ...