Search results 15

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ANmaSearch_SpaceFriends and LeftSpaceFriends

Searches for string inside string covering multiple possibilities for space ...

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Search for one of items in SearchFor_ListOfFriends inside SearchIn and return ...

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Searches for string inside string with double-quote possibility If single ...

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Searches for string inside string with apostrophe possibility (or as I call ...

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Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...

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Searches for string inside string with apostrophe variations conversion

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Similar to VBInstr, but this one does it in reverse, which is instrrev() ...

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Searches for string in readable text from HTMLBlock. So it will not find what ...

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Downloads image from src of < img html tag after searching for list of ...

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Reads certain part in HTML output of a page. Will search for list of strings ...

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Returns list of rows numbers having cells matching text in a column. Passing ...

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VBInstr (or Instr parameters)

The great function InStr I use a lot has a small confusing part. Which string ...

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Searches for an item in a column, then if found, delete that cell (not clear, ...

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ANStrRead + ANStrSave + ANStrSearch

Reads and saves data into 1 dim string array, ANStr ANStr is a string of list ...

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Using same code in CutString3, this will search for matching items. Searches ...