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Cleans array of unwanted items This usually needed after you merge two arrays, ...

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Merges two 1-dimension arrays and return an array Both should be 1 dimensional ...

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Add to textbox from listbox (select option) ensure its uniqueness

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ServerXMLHTTP stream

Using ServerXMLHTTP object to show (stream or download) and image , or any ...

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Calculates X, Y of position on a Circle or ellipse. Pass the center X, Y of ...

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setSelectedIndex byname and byval

Set active (Selected) item in listbox using javascript Imported and modified ...

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Reads value of certain tag attribute from certain attribute Identify attribute ...

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Inserts numeric random unique ID in a column in sheet, specify column, sheet, ...

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Execute exe embedded in Excel

Execute exe file that embed inside Excel sheet This is for experimental, not ...

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HTML5 tags cheatsheet

A simple graphic illustrates the new HTML5 tags and differences against old ones

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Window and screen sizes in jQuery

Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window using jQuery ...

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Regular expressions (Notepad++)

How to do regular expressions in Notepad ++ search and/or replace Helpful when ...

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Excel crashes when File > Print

During generating Print Preview, Excel crashes. Applies to some files, not all, ...

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2 pdf books

Free from apress website More books

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Modify volume using nircmd

Batch file to lower volume of computer system (using nircmd.exe).