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Open different Filestypes

Populate list of filetypes in Application.GetOpenFilename method. This command ...

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DB Class

Database Class in Classic ASP An old article I found that helps a lot these ...

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Folder Space used

Get sizes of each folder next to the asp file FolderSpace.asp. Then total of ...

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ANmaBrowser v20.19.01

Single file, Classic ASP, Bootstrap 4.1 and FontAwesome 5.0 file manager. ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

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Programming Languages

A nice illustration on different types of languages (the most famous ones only) ...

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A cursor file type of Hand. used inside VBA to show hand when user hover over ...

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Pagination call

How to read certain page from SQL table Originally from from http://social. ...

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Check if browser is for a mobile or tablet, or not. This was before we have ...

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Asks user for a folder, starting with certain folder

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Asks user to save file (or workbook) using GetSaveAsFilename method. Returns ...

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Asks user to browse to a file and return full path and file name if they do, ...

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Splits ANStrArray into 2-Dimension array Using custom row and column ...

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[TAB] inside textarea

Allow textarea's to accept TAB key (ASCII code 63) Could use some enhancements, ...

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Sort range or area by 3 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...