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Reads or Saves text into file, giving its full path. Same as

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Copy formulas

How to copy formulas in VBA code. Learned that the hard way, just like most of ...

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jQuery plugin to embed a spreadsheet, compatible with Excel, in your browser. ...

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A nice, advanced powerful table control in js From

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Returns the count of array fields, given the dimension, using UBound ...

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Copy row height from row to another Used to fix row heights or merged cells to ...

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Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

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Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

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Excel 2010 hyperlink issue fix

An issue I started to see when clicking on a hyperlink in Excel 2010, while I ...

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Finds last occurrence of a match in a column Finds the row of last time an ...

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Detect if Browser supports Flash

Detect if Browser supports Flash or not ( using ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash) ...

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Yamm3 mega menu

A bootstrap mega menu Demo:

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Web browser in Excel VBA

Example on how to use Web browser control inside Excel userform

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ANmaDB functions

Database functions, commonly used in my systems. Should be working for each ...

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Service cards

Service cards in Bootstrap3, simple, and customizable. From Bootsnipp

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User-Defined Formatting

Apply special Conditional Formatting, color cells based on their values. This ...