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Read directories in a specified folder into a combobox Needs FrmBr having Cbo1

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Reads screen resolution, using IE this time, this one will get the active ...

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Detects active desktop screen resolution and location of taskbar (with some ...

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Check if an Excel file is running from 'Temp' location or regular folder This ...

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CellCommentRead + Save

Reads/Saves a comment into a cell CellCommentRead to Reads comment from a ...

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Read all Environment variables using EnvDir_All Or quickly get user folder, or ...

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Searches for an item in a column, then if found, delete that cell (not clear, ...

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Reads a value giving column, row, sheet and workbook name Accepts up to 2 ...

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Matching 4 values at the same time in 4 columns Just like Match the function, ...

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Matching three values at the same time in three columns Just like Match the ...

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Matching by two values at the same time in two columns Just like Match the ...

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Horizontal match for a value in a row Horizontal MatchIf, returns column ...

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MatchIf (aka VMatchIf)

The best Match I created, return 0 if not found, kind of CountIF+Match ...

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Getting most recent file in a folder

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Opens Workbook without running AutoMacros and without letting the user know ...

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BrowseWorkbook + BrowseWorkbook_Save

Asks for Excel file to open, then return the full filename with path if ...