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Tabs5 with hover

2 level tabs activated on hover

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Tabs in bootstrap3, custom, easy

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Animated Tabs in bootstrp3

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Tabs in Bootstrap3, custom

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CSS Tabs in Bootstrap2

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Tabs in Bootstrap 3, custom design with hover effect, 3 top and 3 bottom

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Tabs12 in BS4

More Tabs in Bootstrap4, non-default that is smooth look, and elegant

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Tabs in BS4

Some smooth-look CSS3 Tabs in Bootstrap4, something other than default tabs :-)

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Protect VBA

Protect VBA project from inside VBA This is the raw way, there has to be other ...

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Formats a path for use in user displays, trim it beautifully. PrettyPath is ...

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Export multiple sheets as pages in 1 pdf doc. Passing list of sheets as ...

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Calculates the area of objects. Pass formula argument as string and values as ...

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[TAB] inside textarea

Allow textarea's to accept TAB key (ASCII code 63) Could use some enhancements, ...

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Finds a sheet in a workbook, if no workbook name passed, it will use ...

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Reads and saves text file giving its full name Used a lot in my tools, very ...