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Applies format into a cell (or range) from another cell. Can apply from any ...

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Finds a file within open documents of current instance

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Fixes the path for a given folder, PC or Mac by adding separator only if ...

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Closes a workbook, checks if it is already open first, works for workbooks ...

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Check if the string has special characters or not, only Letters or digits ...

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Check if browser is for a mobile or tablet, or not. This was before we have ...

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Returns someones astrology sign using their birthday in m/dd/yyyy or m/dd/yy ...

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CutString_Words_Left + CutString_Words_Mid

Cuts the left or Middle part of string without breaking words Can specify ...

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Returns list of folders found in given folder in a string in ANStr format, ...

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Base64encode + Base64decode

Encodes and decodes a string, Base64 is used to convert binary data (like ...

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Textbox focus issue fix

Trick to force textbox with multiple lines and scrollbars to refresh itself ...

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Asks user for a folder, starting with certain folder

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Template to be used for any new tools, having... D sheet, WelcomeSheet, code ...

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HTML calendar, simple, ready for implementing and customizing

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List_Load + List_Save

Loads/Saves items from/to text file to/from listbox Also has simple adding and ...

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Sort an array of Numeric values, simple straightforward Edit v3 2021-09-21: ...