Search results 68

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SQL instr

Searching for a string inside a string in SQL. You may say it is the instr in ...

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Similar to VBInstr, but this one does it in reverse, which is instrrev() ...

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Cuts from CutFrom starting from any of items found from ...

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Cuts right part of a string starting from certain occurrence of a separator ...

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Searches for string in readable text from HTMLBlock. So it will not find what ...

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Adds to daily log, two cells, one with date, next with activity that will be ...

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Returns location of the tag that enclosing the location provided inside HTML ...

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Checks if a number found between two characters, searching can be customized to ...

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Converts 1-dimension array into text. Meet Join. A way to convert array into ...

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Forces Excel to not convert numbers during moving them across sheets, or ...

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Reads file in binary mode as blocks Starts reading from start in sequential ...

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Scans folder and its all subfolders (2 levels only) for files then put file ...

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Excel recovered files

Location of Excel recovery workbooks in your system when Excel crashes, it ...

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Concatenate all rows found in a range starting A1Cell for Columns_To columns ...

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Read list of items from Settings sheet, then Sort, then save, before reading ...

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Adds databars conditional formatting to range of cells. Passing column, start ...