Search results 59

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Arabic in MySQL

Here is how to read Arabic text from MySQL db from Classic ASP I tried a lot ...

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Reads content of Page from URL to a sheet. This was made specially for certain ...

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Concatenate all rows found in a range starting A1Cell for Columns_To columns ...

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Removes duplication in table in 1 or more columns using Excel ...

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Filter table inside Excel the fast way (using advanced filter) into another ...

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Creates "Update Table " SQL statements to be executed inside SQL to modify ...

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Exports table into CSV from ASP Classic function.

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Returns an array of all table names in a database. needs valid OLE database ...

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Hide SQL table

A simple easy way to hide tables in SQL Server

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Returns sum of certain column in range (or table) in sheet after applying ...

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Bootstrap Editable Table

Editable table with Bootstrap 4, with multiple controls, having: Checkbox for ...

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RRRow - Datatables ASP mdb Ajax example

ASP based AJAX example to call mdb database using

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Online JSON Formatter

Online JSON Formatter, helpful when you suck at json, found it during my search ...

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2 modules to read output of json API (or file) into parsed array of objects. ...

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Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

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Reset ID Column

How to reset ID Column in Microsoft SQL, (not completed yet). This is because ...