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Card image cap

Replaces the background fill of any shape in Excel with an image Not Ready yet, ...

Card image cap
Open Window

Open another window with java script (_blank) Setting up width, height, ...

Card image cap
Card image cap

Allows users to inserts image into sheet, replacing old one, with ability to ...

Card image cap

Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

Card image cap

Imports rows from multiple sheets of a workbook into final sheet along with ...

Card image cap
Shortcut website

Create a shortcut to website to open using Internet Explorer in 'InPrivate' ...

Card image cap
ProtectString + UnProtectString

Protects or unprotects a string giving a password Using XorD and similar to ...

Card image cap

Encrypt or decrypt a string using a key Similar to XorC, except you get to ...

Card image cap
ProtectFile_XorD + UnProtectFile_XorD

Protects and unprotects a file using password Creates another copy of the file ...

Card image cap
Magick SVGs to GIFs

Convert SVG files into GIF preserving the transparency, in bulk ' Used to ...

Card image cap

Opens an image using Irfanview (i_view32.exe attached which also inscludes a ...

Card image cap
Blurred Background

Pure CSS trick to show a blurred background area behind a div Not my work, ...

Card image cap
TeeOpen_ProtectTee + TeeOpen_UnprotectTee

Protect or unprotect a workbook (already open) remotely from another workbook ...

Card image cap
ANmaDB functions

Database functions, commonly used in my systems. Should be working for each ...

Card image cap
Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)

Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...