Search results 519

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Search for one of items in SearchFor_ListOfFriends inside SearchIn and return ...

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Reads and concatenate the full HTML or non-HTML of column (ColumnID) from HTML ...

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Daily folder

Create daily folder in specific location automatically. I used to have .bat ...

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Downloading file directly to machine without refreshing or going to another ...

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Unblock blocked macros.

Unblock macros in file copied or downloaded from another machine. Excel keeps ...

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Concatenate string into one, if not blank and not N/A It looked stupid for me ...

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Checks if String starts with certain char and ends with certain char Or one of ...

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Removes the WordTemplate [Sign-Head-????] from FromStr and returns whatever ...

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Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...

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An attempt to read json into table. This one is a work in progress, tested and ...

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Adds values of 2 cells into 2 columns (usually below them). I used these small ...

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Searches for 6 values in 6 columns and return the row number found in. ...

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Microsoft Edge gestures

Microsoft Edge Right-mouse gestures I found that will really save me time ...

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Searches for five cells in five columns and return the row number if all found ...

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Searching for rows having 5 values in 5 columns Like

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Listing the file from a folder that was created during last few hours. Can ...