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Card image cap

In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery. From

Card image cap
Sidebar navbar

Bootstrap side navbar (sidebar) Can be pushed to left or right From

Card image cap

CSS only flow chart site map From

Card image cap

Delete Multiple Files (with WildCards) To delete multiple files from a ...

Card image cap
Collapse Menu

A Bootstrap 4 collapse menu, easy to adapt A pen from

Card image cap
nyan bars

Progress bars, animated, customized, neat and new From

Card image cap

Create thumbnail on fly using JS From

Card image cap
Date range picker

Bootstrap date range picker From

Card image cap

Drop-down select in bootstrap From

Card image cap
Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes

Bootstrap checkbox with font-awesome (BS-FA Checkbox) From

Card image cap
Breadcrumbs Navigation

Nice bootstrappy navigation with breadcrumbs From

Card image cap

A button spinner (ladda) for Bootstrap From

Card image cap
Input Spinner (Numeric input)

Bootstrap numeric input (o From

Card image cap
Translucent card

Translucent card in CSS3 From

Card image cap

jQuery plugin to search filter content, customize, easy to apply From

Card image cap
Bootstrap 4 sub-menu

Bootstrap 4 sub menu with no customization From