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Check is this VBA-Excel file is running from a shared folder (Starts with \\) ...

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CutString_Words_Left + CutString_Words_Mid

Cuts the left or Middle part of string without breaking words Can specify ...

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CustomExcelMenu - FaceIDs

How to create custom Excel menu, this one shows the IDs and icons of 20 icons, ...

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Return how long the computer has been running. Return format is dd:hh:mm:ss ...

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ConvertMultiLine2 + 6

Convert text blocks (by converting line separators from any separator to any). ...

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A User-Friendly way to ask user to enable macros. Showing an only sheet to let ...

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Excel menu icons and icon ids (named FaceIDs) used when yu create toolbars and ...

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Showing thumbnails inside sheet and enlarging each when click

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To raise a friendly error message with option to show custom error number and ...

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Cookies warning

Thanks to new law in Europe, we need to show users and let them accept a ...

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Active BS4 breakpoint

Was looking for some way to show bootstrap 4 breakpoint, and got this

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Limit Textarea

Show number of characters in a textarea and limit if it goes greater than ...

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WordsOf + Words_Len

WordsOf to create list of words from a block after converting every special ...

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Make selected item in listbox to be displayed at center of listbox after ...

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Reversing a file This tip demonstrates how to reverse a whole file. This ...

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Checks how many items in an ANStr ANStr is list of items separated by a ...