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Card image cap

Checks if application is already running, returns 1 or 0 My first function

Card image cap

Finds the first zip in a folder matching wild cards mask using WScript.Shell ...

Card image cap
Daily folder

Create daily folder in specific location automatically. I used to have .bat ...

Card image cap

Downloading file directly to machine without refreshing or going to another ...

Card image cap

Returns the date of 1st day or last day in a Quarter Mar 31st, Jun 30th, Sep ...

Card image cap
Center Userform

Looks like forcing a Userform to be in center of an application is not as easy ...

Card image cap

Searches for string inside string with apostrophe possibility (or as I call ...

Card image cap

Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...

Card image cap

An attempt to read json into table. This one is a work in progress, tested and ...

Card image cap

Searches for string inside string with apostrophe variations conversion

Card image cap
SettingSave + SettingRead for NumberFormat

Reads or applies certain NumberFormat to cell in settings. Same patterns as ...

Card image cap

Finds three dates after each other in one paragraph. Needed to locate numbers ...

Card image cap
Steps Recorder Win10 app

Win10 application already found in Windows. to generate list of steps with ...

Card image cap
Send workbook as email attachment

Retro way to send a workbook you are in as an email. Found it in one of my old ...

Card image cap

Captcha in Arabic, great library, will look forward to apply it in my next ...

Card image cap
ProgressPie SVG

jQuery library to create ProgressPie SVGs. Simple, perfect, works