Search results 63

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Extracts the innerText of < dd > < / dd> for a specific < dt> < /dt> from HTML ...

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Returns information about first file name found after sorting matching files in ...

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ANmaSearch_SpaceFriends and LeftSpaceFriends

Searches for string inside string covering multiple possibilities for space ...

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Returns the date of 1st day or last day in a Quarter Mar 31st, Jun 30th, Sep ...

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Returns path for a specific special folder in system Passing the name of that ...

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Calculates no of workdays between two dates. Option to use international ...

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Searches for string inside string with double-quote possibility If single ...

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Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...

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ListBox bug with TabIndex

Setting TabIndex for a listbox to 0 in a Userform will have some issues when ...

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Finds 3 numbers in a string by ignoring characters between them. ' example ...

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Creates square thumb for an image, regardless of image aspect ratio It will ...

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Returns array of values by an XML expression from XML file. Xmlfilepath is the ...

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Perform math on numbers inside list of numbers in format of ANString. ...

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Saves a workbook handling several scenarios and decide what to do based on each. ...

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WordPress - Excel functions (AI)

3 functions to download posts, adds new post and to upload and set featured ...

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Windows Common Controls 6.0

This is the needed library to have Windows Common Controls installed to be used ...