Frm81 - FullDetails
Show window of details, can be used to show content for certain cell, or show ...
Frm6 - ANmaMultiSelect
Give users ability to multi-select from list of items into cells with separator. ...
Logging use of executable in Windows
Log the use of .exe, .lnk, .pif, .bat, and .com files on your computer. All it ...
setSelectedIndex byname and byval
Set active (Selected) item in listbox using javascript Imported and modified ...
ANC Bootstrap controls (Testing < and & # 6 0 ;)
Testing step in site (or in each HTML output function to replace < with < ...
Reads value of certain tag attribute from certain attribute Identify attribute ...
Inserts numeric random unique ID in a column in sheet, specify column, sheet, ...
Execute exe embedded in Excel
Execute exe file that embed inside Excel sheet This is for experimental, not ...
HTML5 tags cheatsheet
A simple graphic illustrates the new HTML5 tags and differences against old ones