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Fix Excel Issue

Fixing Excel broken spreadsheet issue. When working with some large ...

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Browser window in a userform Just add Frm3 and call Frm3.Frm3_OpenWeb passing ...

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Returns credit card type and whether it is valid or not. Found it in my old ...

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Dark bootstrap5 css

Css and scss for dark Bootstrap 5 theme Made using

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Returns True if found as full, False if not found as full Full word means word ...

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Returns the full text found between HTML tag open and close by either and index ...

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Calculate the total number of hours between two times and return in format ...

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Refresh Table from View

Convert SQL View into table for speed reading. Using views a lot, I needed a ...

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List_of_Names + DeleteNames

List names in a certain workbook into sheet. And Deletes those names. You may ...

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Reads certain part in HTML output of a page. Will search for list of strings ...

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Detailed errors - Web.config

Show detailed error using Web.config Was always struggling with the exact ...

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Autofit height iframe

iframe with animated gif to show while loading content, when iframe is fully ...

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Forces Excel to not convert numbers during moving them across sheets, or ...

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MapPath version expecting comma in filename or folder. Just because we might ...

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Imports a range into 2-dimension array. Returns the array, providing range, ...

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Dynamic iframe height

Adjust iframe height to its content after loading page Needed this trick in ...