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Returns column if an item from list of items was found in a row. Similar to ...

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Number of Business days between two dates. Note that it doesn't take Christmas, ...

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Returns HTML tag of the container of certain location inside HTML block. ...

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Filter database into new sheet, by copying certain columns only, not whole ...

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USB format in Android

What is the best format to use a USB storage for using in Android phones and ...

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Runs SQL Command that needs no return This is primarily useful for CREATE, ...

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blueimp Gallery

Touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel ...

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FilesIn_Array and FoldersIn_Array

Return list of files in a folder back as array. Similar to

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List All Pivot Tables and their Sources for a given workbook into sheet. ...

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bootstrap 5 Spacelab Dark

A Bootstrap 5 css and scss, Spacelab, dark after modified. Not a toggle, just ...

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Send page to print

JavaSctipt commnad to show Print dialog when a page is visited. I usually put ...

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Copy values from range to cell. Without using clipboard of course. Here the ...

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Saves a workbook handling several scenarios and decide what to do based on each. ...

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Bootstrap 5 color toggle

Working toggle button to switch between light and dark color modes in Bootstrap ...

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Zoomed iframe

Show iframe zoomed or in scale Thanks to

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Downloads image from src of < img html tag after searching for list of ...