To encrypt or decrypt any string ' Strii is the required text to protect ' ...
Flips a string, right-to-left, and if passed again, will flip it back Can be ...
Rounds a number up, like Excel function RoundUP
Cuts a string from a string FROM RIGHT starting from specific character and ...
Copies text to clipboard using MSForms
Cuts the left part respecting words, without cutting words
Reading QueryString from JS
Using same code in CutString3, this will search for matching items. Searches ...
Cuts a string from certain char till certain char, can be used to cut left, ...
Cuts string from a larger one based on a specific separator.
Cuts a string from a larger one using separators.Ex, CutString3("Will ...
Converts Hex to Binary
Check a string to see if it is Hex
Convert a string to Hex
Extracts digits out of a string
50 chars max.