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Counts how many items selected in a listbox (multi-selection listbox). Works ...

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Shows a text in textbox as separate window Caller can modify size of textbox, ...

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InStr and InStrRev

How to use InStr and InStrRev VB functions It is silly, I know, but I keep ...

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A is for Alpha

Military way to communicate letters in audio, for me I learned not all required, ...

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Tabindex in multipage

Tabindex and forcing focus to show in textbox if we have multipage control. ...

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Special chars

How to type special characters in keyboard using ALT + keypad numbers I also ...

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Import all CSVs found in a folder into sheets, sheet per CSV This was a quick ...

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fNMRPrgs, Full-form progress bar (frm77)

Show progress bar inside userform, with option to control lots of things. This ...

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Merges two 1-dimension arrays and return an array Both should be 1 dimensional ...

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ServerXMLHTTP stream

Using ServerXMLHTTP object to show (stream or download) and image , or any ...

Card image cap
Frm81 - FullDetails

Show window of details, can be used to show content for certain cell, or show ...

Card image cap
ANC Bootstrap controls (Testing < and & # 6 0 ;)

Testing step in site (or in each HTML output function to replace < with < ...

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Open Window

Open another window with java script (_blank) Setting up width, height, ...

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Window and screen sizes in jQuery

Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window using jQuery ...

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Regular expressions (Notepad++)

How to do regular expressions in Notepad ++ search and/or replace Helpful when ...

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Hiding chart in Excel

How to hide a full chart in Excel. By treating it as shape, not as chart.