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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

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Records Affected by Execute command

Records affected by sql Execute command ...

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WP Logout link

I have been playing with WordPress recently, and of course faced some ...

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Creates HTML timeline dynamically, using Bootstrap 4.0 and FontAwesome 5, in a ...

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Returns the virtual path of the absolute path specified in the required ...

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Listbox height changing issue

Listbox in Excel sometimes have issue adjusting height to items added inside, ...

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Scroll a listbox Using Right-Drag. (Something VBA in Excel lacks) You might ...

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Gets a sheet name by referencing sheet ID or Sheet No This is more likely to ...

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Sets an attribute to file or folder Needs to have variables defined as you see ...

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Disables or Enables certain Excel built-in shortcut. Code has example on how ...

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A cursor file type of Hand. used inside VBA to show hand when user hover over ...

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Shows a chart with links, nice sitemap maybe, or just easy way to show ...

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Delete styles from an Excel workbook, any non-standard style will be deleted. ...

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Reads attributes of a file using FSO. Return will be a string of RHSA ...

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Read content of an html online page into setting value in Excel sheet. ...

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Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...