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Read list of items from Settings sheet, then Sort, then save, before reading ...

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Adds databars conditional formatting to range of cells. Passing column, start ...

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Removes last row in a table starting certain cell. Creating and using this ...

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Exports a sheet into CSV file Dynamically finds number of rows/columns and ...

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UISetup + UIRestore

Simple way to freeze UI in Excel-VBA then restore it after complete in standard ...

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InStr and InStrRev

How to use InStr and InStrRev VB functions It is silly, I know, but I keep ...

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Special chars

How to type special characters in keyboard using ALT + keypad numbers I also ...

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Cuts a string from certain character to certain character with option of either ...

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List of all variables of Environ It will populate them in sheet range starting ...

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Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

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Reads setting from config file Config file can be passed as argument ...

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Shorten a long Dir by adding ... in the middle to make it fit in small boxes ...

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Reset ID Column

How to reset ID Column in Microsoft SQL, (not completed yet). This is because ...

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Creates list of items to be used in ' Where item in (List)' list Mainly adds ...

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Gets images in a folder where filenames start with "User" Similar to function ...

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ANBSCaptchaBox (Part 4)

Attempt to create Captcha inputbox as simple as possible using third party ...