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Read shapes in all worksheets in certain workbook and return list of macros ...

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Excel menu icons and icon ids (named FaceIDs) used when yu create toolbars and ...

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Showing thumbnails inside sheet and enlarging each when click

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Works the same as it's VB IIF equivalent. IIf will coerce an expression into ...

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To raise a friendly error message with option to show custom error number and ...

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Generates new available file name for a certain file in order to duplicate it, ...

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Runs a WScript.Shell command with wait until finish and returns 0, 1, 2 or -1 ...

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Convert number to English words, convert 450 to 4 hundreds and fifty dollars

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Cookies warning

Thanks to new law in Europe, we need to show users and let them accept a ...

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Active BS4 breakpoint

Was looking for some way to show bootstrap 4 breakpoint, and got this

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Limit Textarea

Show number of characters in a textarea and limit if it goes greater than ...

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Sort range or area by 5 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...

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Gets time and date for a file, Date created, accessed or modified. If the file ...

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Sort range or area by 3 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...

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This will tests to see if strQuotedString is wrapped in quotation marks, and, ...

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DegreeC2F + DegreeF2C

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees