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Cards in bootstrap 3 with hover effect

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Card grid with BS4

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10 Loading Circles

CSS-only spinners, 10 of them

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Animated Tabs in bootstrp3

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Animated card in Bootstrap3, great smooth animation

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Tabs12 in BS4

More Tabs in Bootstrap4, non-default that is smooth look, and elegant

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Count how many files in a folder, with no loop, faster if you just need all ...

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MinIF and MaxIF in Excel 2010

MinIF to calculate smallest number matching certain criteria, in Excel 2010 ...

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API in ASP Classic

A simple REST API technique reading record from Access mdb, then generates json ...

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Admin Counter boxes

4 sets of Admin/Dashboard count boxes, or cards Needed a set for DBRox, and ...

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Progressbar 10

CSS simple progressbar, customizable based on Bootstrap 3.3

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The lightbox for Bootstrap I used it for a while before jumping into Fancybox ...

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Boxed Shadow1

Pure CSS box shadow effect A Pen created at You can find this one ...

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Windows XP as website

Having a website that looks like Windows XP is great out-of-the-box idea Here ...

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15 Datestamps

15 pure CSS date stamps to be used or Calendar view of a date, something I ...

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Fancybox iframe

This is to demonstrate how to call a Fancybox from inside an iframe into parent ...