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Comment and de-comment lines quickly in VBE Create shortcuts inside VBE to ...

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Tree code, driven by Access DB A code I found somewhere online that I enhanced ...

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Converts anything into an integer I used the function VAL() a lot, it is in ...

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Fancybox v2 apply

Applying Fancybox v2 from (

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Shortcuts (rundll32.exe)

Shortcuts to do certain commands in Windows (tested in Windows 7) Shutdown, ...

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Bootstrap table by wenzhixin

Working jquery bootstrap table, with pagination, search, sort and column ...

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Global asa

As ASP Classic user, I have to have some post about global.asa Here is one, ...

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DB Class

Database Class in Classic ASP An old article I found that helps a lot these ...

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This Year

A quick JS way to get the year of today, a method found it online, and wanted ...

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Checks if URL is valid

Checks if URL is actually working. Uses XMLHTTP object to see if that URL ...

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Folder Space used

Get sizes of each folder next to the asp file FolderSpace.asp. Then total of ...

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Counts number of image files found in a folder Images defined here are files ...

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Just like FilesIn function, but this one returns list of images only found in a ...

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Sending an email using CDO object Can pass all needed variables including mail ...

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VHD files 950MB + 1.8GB + 3GB

VHD files, 950MB, 1.8GB and 3GB, helpful when you want to quickly save files ...

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VHD file 7GB - Delete

VHD file, 7GB, helpful when you want to quickly save files into an 8 GB usb ...