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jQuery Store Locator

Google Maps API implementation using jQuery and json From

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More Bootstrap wells

Additional Bootstrap well colors, I always find it easier to use Wells (used in ...

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Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...

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Converts an image from any image into any image using IrfanView command line ...

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A nice and new lightbox, modal, or whatever you call it (version 1.7.13) From ...

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CSS3 Radio Buttons

Nice, multiple, multi-options, CSS3 radio buttons From

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Star rating system

kartik star rating system using Bootstrap and Font-Awesome From

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CSS Hover effect

Pure CSS hover effect From

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Bootstrap 4 Date picker

Date and Time picker in Bootstrap 4 From

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Tel inputbox

Telephone number input box, using Bootstrap4, with list of countries and ...

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Excel 2010 hyperlink issue fix

An issue I started to see when clicking on a hyperlink in Excel 2010, while I ...

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Save to, Read from, Delete registry key

Save into registry, read from registry or delete a key. Accessible to only ...

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Detect if Browser supports Flash

Detect if Browser supports Flash or not ( using ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash) ...

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VBA vs ASP Classic

Differences between coding in VB in Classic ASP (aka VBScript) and VBA (aka ...

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HeadingZeros Remove and Add

Adds or remove zeros at start of string Used to clear heading zeros from ...

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Web.config Redirect

Redirect domain to another, including all its sub pages, sub folders, and ...