Converts a Metric Measure into a US Standard Measure. Arguments: ...
Converts US Standard Measure into a Metric Measure. Arguments: ...
Gets number of days in a certain month
Creates a zip from folder using 7Z archive. 7za,exe (found in attached zip) ...
Returning information on an MP3 file. Returns a type containing information ...
Return how long the computer has been running. Return format is dd:hh:mm:ss ...
Converts seconds from numbers into time in format of ...
Creates a folder for a user, usually after sign up or login for first time. ...
Loads an image into VBA image control without knowing its extension If file ...
Gets time and date for a file, Date created, accessed or modified. If the file ...
Changes date format from US to International or from international to US. ...
Delete All Files in a Folder. Needs a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
WordsOf to create list of words from a block after converting every special ...
Generates the calendar week number for a certain date, counting the first week ...
Rounds the number of minutes to the nearest quarter of half like 4:32 to 4:30 ...
Delete files in a specified folder which are older than x days This code ...
50 chars max.