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Cuts a string from a string starting from a specific character index and until ...

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ConvertMultiLine2 + 6

Convert text blocks (by converting line separators from any separator to any). ...

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Splits ANStrArray into 2-Dimension array Using custom row and column ...

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Removes [Enter]s from imported csv file into Excel worksheet. Smart enough to ...

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Convert number to English words, convert 450 to 4 hundreds and fifty dollars

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This will tests to see if strQuotedString is wrapped in quotation marks, and, ...

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This function capitalizes first letter of each of the words in a sentence, ...

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WordsOf + Words_Len

WordsOf to create list of words from a block after converting every special ...

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Converts all Ƽ found in a string into their actual chars

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Converts characters created by program R into actual chars as in < U+641 > to ...

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Matching any part of a string in another , then returns 0 if not match, Or ...

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Generate random GUID of 36 chars (with or without brackets) using TypeLib ...

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Get a Number Suffix They allow you to turn 1 into 1st, 2 into 2nd, etc. giving ...

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Adds Arabic unit to a number using proper Arabic grammar Units can be ...

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Removes all chars found in Chars_to_remove from String1

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HaveNonEnglish + StringASCIIs

Checks if one char is within two ASCII codes or not (StringASCIIs) Used to see ...