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Card image cap

Applies format into a cell (or range) from another cell. Can apply from any ...

Card image cap

Adds Validation drop-down to a cell (Data --> Validation --> List), or to a ...

Card image cap

Creates a hyperlink to URL or to cell inside a cell in Excel VBA (or delete it). ...

Card image cap

Fixes the path for a given folder, PC or Mac by adding separator only if ...

Card image cap

Returns someones astrology sign using their birthday in m/dd/yyyy or m/dd/yy ...

Card image cap
CutString_Words_Left + CutString_Words_Mid

Cuts the left or Middle part of string without breaking words Can specify ...

Card image cap

Printout into page, along with additional function to decide where to put the ...

Card image cap
List_Load + List_Save

Loads/Saves items from/to text file to/from listbox Also has simple adding and ...

Card image cap

Sort an array of Numeric values, simple straightforward Edit v3 2021-09-21: ...

Card image cap

Trying to create VB6 "Format" function in Classic ASP, works now for date only, ...

Card image cap

Returns a certain field from Settings table by a SettingName. Similar to ...

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Trying to simplifying applying AJAX in my websites and tools, this is the ...

Card image cap

Search for occurrences of a keyword in a string and highlight them, by either ...

Card image cap

Adds an entry to log file, if file is not exist, it will be created. Filename ...

Card image cap

Extracts a zip into a location and waits for that extraction to finish Using ...

Card image cap

Cuts a string from a string starting from a specific character index and until ...