
Returns the full string starting from open tag of container where LocationIndex is found, until the close tag
Like a, img, div, table, tr, td, etc.
Needs the LocationIndex that will be searched in inHTMLBlock

What is this?



Original Work
Function ContainerHTMLTag_ReturnBlock(LocationIndex, inHTMLBlock)
    ' Returns the full string starting from open tag of container where LocationIndex is found, until the close tag
    ' Like a, img, div, table, tr, td, etc.
    ' Needs the LocationIndex that will be searched in inHTMLBlock
    Rett = ""
    If LocationIndex > Len(inHTMLBlock) Then GoTo ByeBye
    If LocationIndex < 0 Then GoTo ByeBye
    TagIgnore = 0
    For I = LocationIndex To 1 Step -1
        If Mid(inHTMLBlock, I, 1) = " <" And Mid(inHTMLBlock, I, 2) < > " </" And TagIgnore < 1 Then
            NextSpace = VBInstr(" ", inHTMLBlock, I)
            If NextSpace = 0 Then GoTo ByeBye
            ' I now has location of container open tag
            TagOpen = Mid(inHTMLBlock, I + 1, NextSpace - I - 1)
            For J = LocationIndex To Len(inHTMLBlock)
                If Mid(inHTMLBlock, J, Len(TagOpen) + 3) = " </" & TagOpen & " >" Then
                    Rett = CutString1(inHTMLBlock, I, J + Len(TagOpen) + 3)
                    Exit For
                End If
'            Rett = Mid(inHTMLBlock, I + 1, NextSpace - I - 1)
            Exit For
        ElseIf Mid(inHTMLBlock, I, 1) = " <" And Mid(inHTMLBlock, I, 2) < > " </" And TagIgnore > 0 Then
            TagIgnore = TagIgnore - 1
        ElseIf Mid(inHTMLBlock, I, 2) = " </" Then
            ' Ignore open tag for this closed one
            TagIgnore = TagIgnore + 1
        End If
    ContainerHTMLTag_ReturnBlock = Rett
End Function

LocationIndex, inHTMLBlock

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