
A button in iframe, to run certain command and return status to end user without page refresh.
Something I have been working on for a while now.
Test it out http://aspnot.net/Tests/iFrameBtn/

What is this?



Original Work
Edit: 2023-04-30:
Zip has 2 files, iFrameBtn.asp and Default.asp
iFrameBtn.asp is what you will need to modify to have actual actions and this is what to be inserted where you need the button (Can have more than 1 button in a page)
Default.asp has an example of what to call to insert and show current status

Older version (iFrameBtn v1)
Zip has 3 files, iFrameBtn.asp, Cmd.asp and Default.asp
iFrameBtn.asp is what you will be inserting where you need the button (Can have more than 1 button in a page)
Default.asp has an example of what to call to insert and show current status
Cmd.asp is the command action file that will be called when user clicks button, then in return it will redirect back to iFrameBtn.asp with different parameters to show different status.

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