Actually working digital clock JavaScript-based, refreshes every second Found ...
A quick JS way to get the year of today, a method found it online, and wanted ...
Create summary list If you have SQL table named Messages, with DateStamp ...
Another calendar view in Classic ASP, this one highlights today's date
Create summary list If you have SQL table named Table_Name, with DateAdded ...
Returns someones astrology sign using their birthday in m/dd/yyyy or m/dd/yy ...
Gets list of years and total of posts per year from a table, by using date ...
HTML calendar, simple, ready for implementing and customizing
Trying to create VB6 "Format" function in Classic ASP, works now for date only, ...
The equivalent of DateSerial in Classic ASP
Gets number of days in a certain month
Converts seconds from numbers into time in format of ...
Changes date format from US to International or from international to US. ...
Generates the calendar week number for a certain date, counting the first week ...
Rounds the number of minutes to the nearest quarter of half like 4:32 to 4:30 ...
Get local timezone Uses w32tm / tz dos command in command prompt Using ...
50 chars max.