Learning Materials 69

Screenshots, videos or full articles as references or learning new technology
Sorted from new to old.
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Inputbox vs Application.Inputbox

fm20.dll has another inputbox to be used It is smaller, maybe more straight ...

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MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

MouseDown and MouseUp in VBA (fm20 controls) are different from those in VB6 ...

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Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet

Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet, quick direct link as image

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Temporary folder in Win10

Where is the Temp folder in Windows 10? Since Windows 7, it has been in the ...

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Porting Excel/VBA into OpenOffice Calc

PDF document on what needed to import VBA from Excel into OpenOffice Calc Basic

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OpenOffice Macros

A pdf book, for macros in OpenOffice.org

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User-defined type error

How to fix error (User-defined Type) error, especially when using outside ...

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Linkedin profle link

Have custom profile link to your LinkedIn profile If you are in tech for a ...

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Arabic VS Hindi numbers

Settings to force Microsoft Word to show Hindi numbers with Arabic text, or ...

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Create a URL shortner using Web.Config AKA URL Redirect, or Page refresher, ...

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Restore Arabic text files

Solution to restore ASCII Arabic text files. Sometimes I noticed when system ...

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Bootstrap IE issue

Looks like IE has some issues in bootstrap 3, this is the solution, please ...

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Language per app

Restore Windows 10 setting to remember language selected per application

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Embed fonts in Word doc

Embed fonts used in document, to make it available on any machine

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Shrinking DB

Steps to shrink database in MS SQL