Excel crashes when File > Print

During generating Print Preview, Excel crashes.
Applies to some files, not all, macro enabled workbooks.
On those files, it happen most of the time, not always, but 80% of times
It was the same cause that prevented user from adding new worksheet, or deleting sheet.

What is this?



Original Work
2021-02-16 > > >        Excel crashes when File > Print
    During generating Print Preview, Excel crashes
    Applies to some files, not all, macro enabled workbooks
    It was the same cause that prevented user from adding new worksheet, or deleting sheet
    So far, below did not fix the issue
        - It wasn't hidden columns or rows
        - Wasn't file type (xlsm vs xlsb)
        - Not page setup, page breaks, etc.
        - Wasn't objects inside sheet
    Reason ...
        Hidden sheets most likely are behind this
        The steps we are working in Workbook_Open of hiding "Welcome sheet" was causing this
    More research needed here to see why and what is the better solution for WelcomeSheet in future

== Old steps ==
2021-02-16 = Still crashes
    Unhide hidden columns and Rows
2021-02-15 = Excel keeps crashing when going to Home > Print, for a specific workbook
    Attempt to solve by saving that file as xlsm rather than xlsb

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