
Reads attributes of a file using FSO.
Return will be a string of RHSA (Read-only, Hidden, System, Archive) or any of these for selected file.
Uses included ConvertAttrBinary function to convert binary into array.
Can pass either MapPathed or UnMapPathed

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Original Work
Private Function GetAttr(FullFile_MapPathed, FullFile_UnMapPathed)
If FullFile_MapPathed > "" And FullFile_UnMapPathed = "" Then
ElseIf FullFile_MapPathed = "" And FullFile_UnMapPathed > "" Then
FullFile_MapPathed= Server.MapPath(FullFile_UnMapPathed)
End If
Dim lvAttributes, lsResult
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Folder = FSO.GetFile(FullFile_MapPathed)
AttributeValue = File.Attributes
lvAttributes = Split(ConvertAttrBinary(AttributeValue, 1, 7, ","), ",")
If lvAttributes(0) = 1 Then lsResult = "R" 'ReadOnly?
If lvAttributes(1) = 1 Then lsResult = lsResult & "H" 'Hidden?
If lvAttributes(2) = 1 Then lsResult = lsResult & "S" 'System?
If lvAttributes(5) = 1 Then lsResult = lsResult & "A" 'Archive?
GetAttr = lsResult
End Function
Private Function ConvertAttrBinary(ByVal SourceNumber, ByVal MaxValuePerIndex, ByVal MinUpperBound, ByVal IndexSeperator)
Dim lsResult, llTemp, giCount
MaxValuePerIndex = MaxValuePerIndex + 1 '(1 Based Calculations)
' Find UpperBound if Minimum Upper Bound Isn't High enough
Do While Int(SourceNumber / (MaxValuePerIndex ^ MinUpperBound)) > (MaxValuePerIndex - 1)
MinUpperBound = MinUpperBound + 1
For giCount = MinUpperBound To 0 Step -1
llTemp = Int(SourceNumber / (MaxValuePerIndex ^ giCount)) ' Get value of current index
lsResult = lsResult & CStr(llTemp) ' Add New Number to result
If giCount > 0 Then lsResult = lsResult & IndexSeperator ' Add Seperator?
SourceNumber = SourceNumber - (llTemp * (MaxValuePerIndex ^ giCount))
ConvertAttrBinary = lsResult
End Function

FullFile_MapPathed, FullFile_UnMapPathed (either ones)

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